Actions can be controlled, but results can not. Therefore, concentrating on improving your actions or performance is more important rather than focusing on the results. If you achieve excellence in your performance, success comes naturally. However, the challenge is – how to achieve excellence.
Here are some rules that will help you achieve excellence in your performance:
Rule 1: Break Convenience to Achieve Excellence
While hiring employees, many organizations tend to have an average approach. To elaborate this further, we’ll take an example of a call centre project. Here, an XYZ company plans to hire staff to start up a call centre unit. For this, the board comes together for a discussion and they conclude that they will expect 10,000 calls a day. The board takes an average and decides that each person can handle 60 calls a day and they require a total of 167 employees to set-up a division.
Yes, no wonder this is a right way of calculating which
further helps you keep your odds. However, if an employee, who has a capacity
to handle 200 calls a day joins, then his/ her performance comes down to
Therefore, if you plan to be excellent in your performance, try to challenge yourself by stepping out of your convenience because convenience always gives birth to average performance and mediocrity.
Companies when mapping employee performance, usually, pin-point average/ below average performers and take efforts to give them training in order to help them excel. Yes, it is right, organizations must look forward to helping people improve their performances. But, at the same time, they need to conduct advanced training for employees who are excellent. This will create a generation of excellent performers.
Rule 2: Set Achievable Targets
This rule is something they always tell you about in professional Project Management workshops and training programs. The targets make achieving excellence easy, but they have to be specific, attainable, measurable, realistic and timely. Abstract targets are just fairytales and unachievable.
Thinking about your goals in this fashion helps you perform extraordinarily.
Rule 3: Take risk which can be easily paid off.
Risk is an important factor while you are aiming towards being excellent in your performance. Always calculate the consequences and analysis, whether you are ready for it. If it backfires, you must have resources and potential to pay the risk off easily.
This applies while taking up a loan. The first thing you need to check is your financial back up and look for ways how you can pay the loan off if your business fails. Do not take a risk without proper analysis of the consequence.
Think for the best, prepare for the worst while you take a risk.
Rule 4: To be excellent you require certain skills like – Mapping the talent, relating to it and excelling in it.
1. Mapping the talent:
To be excellent, know your talent. It is important that you
know your strengths and inner qualities. This helps you jot down your interest
and which further exceeds you towards excellence.
If your organization aims to excel then choose the right
talent as per the position.
2. Relating to your talent:
Once you know where your interest lies and what is your talent then get attached to it.
For an organization – it has to get attached with the
talent, in this case, employees. HR has to connect employees with each other
and build a family.
3. Excelling in it:
Increase your knowledge about your talent. For instance, if you have a good voice and you are a good singer, take up a training course to excel. Because learning something you love makes your path towards excellence as smooth as butter.
Again, striving to be excellent is good, but make sure you even learn to accept failures. Success can make a person arrogant, but the failures keep the person humble, therefore, to be excellent at handling failures is also needed. Remember that failures are inevitable when you are learning. However, problems are not the end of everything. So, do not get disheartened. Disappointment is normal, but if it exceeds then it’s toxic. Failures give you an opportunity to learn from your experiences So welcome them with open arms.
All the best! May you learn great things from your breakdowns! ?
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