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Can You Translate Emojis, if Yes What Should You Know?

What is Emojis

In this technological world where people are more dependent on technology than on manpower, emojis are a great way to express one's emotions. The word emoji has been taken from the Japanese Language. Translating Emojis is just an update of emoticons and is available on the keyboard.

The word E signifies "picture" Mo signifies "writing" and Ji signifies "character".

Emojis are real icons, whereas emoticons are a series of punctuation used in such order that it depicts a facial expression. Unicode is the base or foundation of the modern-day writing system and emoji are just an integral part of the writing system. Emojis are appearing to have different meanings on different platforms and social media, but Unicode Consortium is working to make sure that emoji are standardized on each platform and convey the same meaning. Translate Emojis how, why? Let's see in the below paragraph.

Can We Translate Emojis?

Emojis or emoticons are being regarded as one of the best sources of expressing emotions. But the main question here lies in their universality. Are they accepted everywhere how they are meant to be? Do cultural, regional, and linguistic differences make a difference in their interpretation?

Does an angry face or a laughing face depict the same meaning everywhere?

Everyone knows the fact that interpretation is a complex task, especially when one has to associate it with different cultures. Thus, the translation of emojis is a very challenging task. Highly skilled people will also find it difficult to interpret it. Originally, emojis were created only for the internet. Emojis are used to express various kinds of emotions. Thus, to keep the originality intact is a very difficult process. For translation and interpretation of the icons for different apps, web content, and social media, one has to interpret it more than once. Translation of emojis is a very complex and tedious job since different apps and social media use different types and characters.

How we can translate emojis for a global audience?

1. Using Emojis Glossary

To understand the usage of emojis by people, one has to conduct a survey to see which emojis are used by locals to express which of their emotions. Apart from some normal emojis like smiley faces or hearts, there are emojis which people use daily in conversation but it depends majorly on their culture. According to studies it has been inferred that each different group of people use a different set of emojis according to their preferences.

Like Russians are known to be using emojis with a heart whereas France is the country that uses the most heart emojis. Arabs generally use more trees and plants emojis whereas Canadians use more money emojis. Considering emojis as different dialects can help in ensuring the accuracy of their usage. Therefore, the method of emojis glossary should be used for each language. Such that it can be translated easily in less time.

2. Don't Use Your Assumptions

At times it becomes difficult to determine the meaning of emojis. To make the conversation easily understandable, it is critical to know the meaning of every emojis used. For a better understanding of the emojis, there are websites like emojis meanings or emojispedia, that make the task easy. However, one of the major drawbacks of translating emojis is that one emojis often has different meanings, and they may get mistranslated.

However, the best way to avoid confusion is by asking the other person for more insight on the emojis used.

3. Images are Not Enough

Emojis are non-verbal ways of expressing emotions. When used correctly they add emoticons to the text and add value to it. To obtain major benefits of emojis, many MNCs and global organizations are using emojis to connect with their consumers, and emojis help them build emotional connections. However, while using emojis, businesses have to be extra careful, since the wrong use of emojis, they may make their audience confused.

Also, too much use of emojis is dangerous as well, it may make your marketing campaign look vague. Hence, brands may choose to use emojis only where required and limit their usage.

4. Significance of Context While Translating Emojis

The best part about emojis is that it is a universal language and is understood by everyone. However, still many people don't make an effort to learn the meaning of different emojis, which is why they often use some off-context emojis. Hence, while translating emojis, you should understand the ways that enable you to know its meaning, based on the target audience.

If with the use of emojis, the context is accurately translated, then there are high chances that the emojis will be used by people easily. When the emojis get allied with the text, it enhances the quality of content, and the users also develop an interest in taking the conversation forward

Summary - Emojis Translation

As it was earlier said, that a picture is worth a thousand words or more, the same thing applies to emojis as well. Without writing something, emojis may make your message clear to the user. The use of emojis in marketing content helps engage customers. That said, it becomes critical to translate the emojis correctly so that your message is clear to your target audience. and in such translation, Vinsys foreign language services is a leader with more than 5 Million words translated in 150+ global languages having 20 years of rich experience.

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