Scrum Framework remains the most sought-after agile methodology. It allows individuals and teams to deliver value incrementally in a collaborative manner. First introduced in 1995 as a technique for addressing complex problems, it has now evolved into the empirical process of decision-making based on observations, experiences, and experimentation.
Enterprises across sectors opt for the Scrum framework to efficiently integrate agile methods into their organizational structures. Verifiable Scrum adoption statistics acknowledge Scrum as the most popular agile framework. More than 80% of agile teams use some version of Scrum; those doing full Scrum report 250% quality improvements, and many experience productivity increases of up to 800%.
In addition to its evidence-based business advantages, Scrum also favors professionals. Nearly 85% of all Scrum practitioners accept the enhanced quality of their work life, over 75% are willing to recommend the methodology to other colleagues, and most appropriately-certified users attract higher compensation packages.
To be constructive with professional Scrum, one must follow the mechanics/fundamentals of the framework, focus on the mindset changes for ways of working/thinking, and embrace Scrum values. That's where Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) credentials come in handy!
Let's explore the “PSM Accreditation Program” from Scrum plus relevant aspects related to Professional Scrum Master Certifications, and uncover Vinsys' industry-recommended Agile & Scrum blended training solutions.
It is a collection of 3 globally recognized, admired and trusted Scrum credentials. PSM certifications test and validate your understanding of Scrum principles, values, practices, Scrum Master responsibilities and real-world Scrum applications.
• Professional Scrum Master™ I (PSM I) Certification.
• Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II) Certification.
• Professional Scrum Master™ III (PSM III) Certification.
Professional Scrum Master™ I (PSM I)
Syllabus: Understanding & Applying the Scrum Framework (Empiricism, Scrum Values, Scrum Team, Events, Artifacts, Done), Developing People & Teams (Self-Managing Teams, Facilitation, Coaching) & Managing Products with Agility (Forecasting, Release Planning, Product Value, Product Backlog Management, Stakeholders/Customers). Exam Format: 60 Minutes, 80 Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer & True/False Questions, 85% Passing Score with Lifetime Certification Validity + Free Credly Digital Credential. |
Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)
Syllabus: Understanding & Applying the Scrum Framework (Empiricism, Scrum Values, Scrum Team, Events, Artifacts, Done), Developing People & Teams (Self-Managing Teams, Facilitation, Leadership Styles, Coaching/Mentoring), Managing Products with Agility (Product Backlog Management, Stakeholders/Customers), Developing & Delivering Products Professionally (Managing Technical Risk) & Evolving the Agile Organization (Organizational Design & Culture). Exam Format: 90 Minutes, 30 Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer & True/False Questions, 85% Passing Score with Lifetime Certification Validity + Free Credly Digital Credential. |
Professional Scrum Master™ III (PSM III) |
Syllabus: Understanding & Applying the Scrum Framework (Empiricism, Scrum Values, Scrum Team, Events, Artifacts, Done), Developing People & Teams (Self-Managing Teams, Facilitation, Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching) & Managing Products with Agility (Forecasting, Release Planning, Product Value, Stakeholders/Customers). Exam Format: 150 Minutes, 24 Essay Questions, Pass/Did Not Pass Options with Lifetime Certification Validity + Free Credly Digital Credential. |
Step 1: Review the Scrum Guide: The Official Scrum Body of Knowledge.
Step 2: Utilize the free-of-charge Scrum Open Assessment Tool from
Step 3: Create a baseline of your existing Scrum knowledge.
Step 4: Go through The Professional Scrum™ Competencies & Scrum Guide 2020 Updates.
Step 5: Enroll in Professional Scrum™ Training plus Agile & Scrum Blended Courses from Vinsys.
Scrum has stood its ground as the most preferred methodology for integrating agile working into teams across verticals. Deployed as a single agile or hybrid methodology, it empowers your teams to work sequentially and simultaneously with each other.
This process results in better project coordination, efficient task completions, and faster quality product developments.
While it's unwise to downplay Scrum's sheer value addition, many companies still struggle to embrace it and face numerous challenges, avoiding successful Scrum deployments.
The Reasonable Approach? Train and develop yourself or your employees as Scrum Masters capable of running projects with Scrum, holding Scrum events, and leading projects towards desirable conclusions.
When securing top-notch Scrum Master qualifications, no other credentials come close to the well-earned status of Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) Certifications.
They are the benchmark and score over other similar Scrum accreditations, thanks to their frequent adaptations.
Vinsys is a globally recognized provider of a wide array of professional services designed to meet the diverse needs of organizations across the globe. We specialize in Technical & Business Training, IT Development & Software Solutions, Foreign Language Services, Digital Learning, Resourcing & Recruitment, and Consulting. Our unwavering commitment to excellence is evident through our ISO 9001, 27001, and CMMIDEV/3 certifications, which validate our exceptional standards. With a successful track record spanning over two decades, we have effectively served more than 4,000 organizations across the globe.