Fast Track To Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification Training

Embark on a 4-day journey with Vinsys, where we promise to equip you with the core of Java 17. 
Our unique Fast Track To Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification training is designed to enhance the understanding of advanced Java fe

Duration Duration : 4 Days
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Fast Track To Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experi
Develop advanced-level expertise in Java 17.
Find remarkable career growth as a programming executive.
Gain practical skills to broaden your knowledge.
Improve your skills and prepare for real-world development.

Course Overview

The Fast Track to Core Java 17 Programming for OO developers is a dynamic four-day course that upgrades your existing knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) into Java programming, one of the most demanding programming languages for developing advanced software for computers, mobile phones, and embedded devices like smart home devices. This Java fast track course aims to bridge the gap between OOP and Java so that you can create better, faster, and more secure software without exceeding the budget. 
During training, our experts will introduce you to the Java standard edition, discuss the lifecycle of a Java program, and discuss the responsibilities of the JVM to learn Java for backend support. Our module, the Java Development Kit (JDK), thoroughly explains Java interpreters, classes, and tools.  You will receive extensive hands-on training, ensuring you gain a deep understanding of the structure and behaviour of objects.
Overall, the core Java certification course provides a comprehensive coverage of all components of Java 17, equipping you with the necessary skills to utilise this programming language effectively in real-world development. After this course, you will be well-prepared to work closely with Java developers and pave your way as an independent Java specialist to earn more. 

Course Objectives

By joining this advanced Java certification online course, you will:

  • Learn Java syntax and semantics to write code and contribute to your major role in software development.
  • Understand the function of JVM to ensure applications run safely, optimise Java bytecode, etc. 
  • Develop skills to effectively connect OOP concepts like inheritance and encapsulation in Java applications to get the best output.
  • Examine the features of Java 17 practically to streamline the development process and reduce errors.
  • Assess the use of Java packages and modules to execute the app development task smoothly.
  • Evaluate using utility classes in Java for reusable operations, such as improving readability and code reusability.
  • Analyse the ability of a new class to inherit properties and behaviours from an existing class to promote the reuse of code.
  • Understand supertype contracts and implement concrete classes based on abstract classes or interfaces.
  • Develop skills to lead a team of Java developers or work closely with experienced Java developers.


This is a beginner-level program for OO developers who want to try Java programming. We recommend this Java backend development tutorial to:

  • IT professionals, software engineers, and developers with hands-on experience in OO programming language (C# or C++) or other software development tools.
  • Learning enthusiasts who want to gain sound Java coding knowledge.

Eligibility Criteria

The course requires:

  • Hands-on in OO programming languages like C++ and C# or relevant languages. 

Course Outline

Module 1: The Java Platform

  • Introduce the Java Platform
  • Explore the Java Standard Edition
  • Discuss the lifecycle of a Java Program
  • Explain the responsibilities of the JVM
  • Executing Java programs
  • Garbage Collection
  • Documentation and Code Reuse

Module 2: Using the JDK

  • Explain the JDK's file structure
  • Use the command line compiler to compile a Java class
  • Use the command line Java interpreter to run a Java application class

Module 3: The Eclipse Paradigm

  • Become more familiar with Eclipse workbench concepts
  • Explore the paradigm used by Eclipse, consisting of editors, views, and perspectives in detail
  • Introduce some commonly used views
  • Explain Perspectives

Module 4: Writing a Simple Class

  • Write a Java class that does not explicitly extend another class
  • Define instance variables for a Java class
  • Create object instances
  • Primitives vs. Object References
  • Implement a main method to create an instance of the defined class
  • Java keywords and reserved words

Module 5: Adding Methods to the Class

  • Write a class with accessor methods to read and write instance variables
  • Write a constructor to initialise an instance with data
  • Write a constructor that calls other constructors of the class to benefit from code reuse
  • Use this keyword to distinguish local variables from instance variables

Module 6: Language Statements

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Operators to increment and decrease numbers
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Return type of comparison and logical operators
  • Use for loops
  • Switch Expressions
  • Switch Expressions and yield

Module 7: Using Strings and Text Blocks

  • Create an instance of the String class
  • Test if two strings are equal
  • Perform a case-insensitive equality test
  • Contrast String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder
  • Compact Strings
  • Text Blocks
  • Unicode support

Module 8: Fields and Variables

  • Discuss Block Scoping Rules
  • Distinguish between instance variables and method variables within a method
  • Explain the difference between the terms field and variable
  • List the default values, for instance variables
  • Final and Static fields and methods

Module 9: Specialising in a Subclass

  • Constructing a class that extends another class
  • Implementing equals and toString
  • Writing constructors that pass initialisation data to the parent constructor
  • Using the instance to verify the type of an object reference
  • Pattern matching, for instanceof
  • Overriding subclass methods
  • Safely casting references to a more refined type

Module 10: Using Arrays

  • Declaring an array reference
  • Allocating an array
  • Initialising the entries in an array
  • Writing methods with a variable number of arguments

Module 11: Records

  • Data objects in Java
  • Introduce records as carriers of immutable data
  • Defining records
  • The Canonical constructor
  • Compact constructors

Module 12: Java Packages and Visibility

  • Use the package keyword to define a class within a specific package
  • Discuss levels of accessibility/visibility
  • Using the import keyword to declare references to classes in a specific package
  • Using the standard type naming conventions
  • Visibility in the Java Modular System
  • Correctly executing a Java application class
  • The Java Modular System
  • Defining Modules

Module 13: Utility Classes

  • Introduce the wrapper classes
  • Explain Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Converting String representations of primitive numbers into their primitive types
  • Defining Enumerations
  • Using static imports
  • Deprecating classes and methods

Module 14: Object-Oriented Development Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Write a subclass with a method that overrides a method in the superclass
  • Group objects by their common supertype
  • Utilise polymorphism
  • Cast a supertype reference to a valid subtype reference
  • Use the final keyword on methods and classes to prevent overriding

Module 15: Interfaces and Abstract Classes

  • Define supertype contracts using abstract classes
  • Implement concrete classes based on abstract classes
  • Define supertype contracts using interfaces
  • Implement concrete classes based on interfaces
  • Explain the advantage of interfaces over abstract classes
  • Explain the advantage of abstract classes over interfaces

Module 16: Introduction to Exception Handling

  • Introduce the Exception architecture
  • Defining a try/catch blocks
  • Checked vs. Unchecked exceptions

Module 17: Exceptions

  • Defining your own application exceptions
  • Automatic closure of resources
  • Suppressed exceptions
  • Handling multiple exceptions in one catch
  • Enhanced try-with-resources
  • Helpful NullPointerException(s)

Module 18: Building Java Applications

  • Explain the steps involved in building applications
  • Define the build process
  • Introduce build scripts
  • Explain the standard folder layout
  • Resolving project dependencies
  • Tutorial: Importing code Using Maven

Module 19: Introduction to Generics

  • Generics and Subtyping
  • Bounded Wildcards
  • Generic Methods
  • Legacy Calls To Generics
  • When Generics Should Be Used

Module 20: Introducing Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces

  • Understanding the concept of functional programming
  • Understanding functional interfaces
  • Lambdas and type inference

Module 21: Working with Lambda Expressions

  • Writing lambda expressions
  • Explore the difference between anonymous classes and lambda expressions
  • Consumer, Predicate, and Function interfaces

Module 22: Collections

  • Provide an overview of the Collection API
  • Review the different collection implementations (Set, List, and Queue)
  • Explore how generics are used in collections
  • Examine iterators for working with collections

Module 23: Using Collections

  • Collection Sorting
  • Comparators
  • Using the Right Collection
  • Lambda Expressions in Collections

Module 24: Sealed Classes

  • Introduce sealed classes
  • The sealed and permitted modifier
  • Sealed interfaces
  • Sealed classes and pattern matching

Module 25: Streams

  • Understanding the problem with collections in Java
  • Thinking of program solutions in a declarative way
  • Use the Stream API to process collections of data
  • Understand the difference between intermediate and terminal stream operations
  • Filtering elements from a Stream
  • Finding element(s) within a Stream
  • Collecting the Elements from a Stream into a List

Module 26: Collectors

  • Using different ways to collect the items from a Stream
  • Grouping elements within a stream
  • Gathering statistics about the numeric property of elements in a stream

Choose Your Preferred Mode


Online Training

  • Easy access to online classes because of the interactive interface.
  • Allowing you to join classes at your convenience through self-paced and live instructor-led training.
  • Ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
  • Updating the industry-relevant training modules to get the best results.

Corporate Training

  • Special training support to corporations.
  • Offering flexible training schedule.
  • A team of highly qualified experts will provide extensive hands-on training.
  • Maintaining transparency by sharing feedback on performance regularly. 


Why should I consult Vinsys for Java programs?

Vinsys, a leading online education provider in India, the Middle East, and the USA, is renowned for its world-class virtual training. Our Java programs, backed by comprehensive lab training, provide a deep understanding of the subject and foster competency. 

What is the duration of Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification?

The Core Java 17 Programming for Object-Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification course will last four days. 

How will the training be carried out?

We understand your commitment to your busy work schedule and are committed to providing you with a flexible training facility. You can join our virtual live session or self-paced study to complete your course at your convenience.

What are the latest versions of Java?

Java is a revolutionary programming language with several updated versions, including Java 21, Java 22, and Java 23 to learn Java for backend.

Why should I learn Java 17 when Java 22 is available?

Java 22 offers various experimental features, but experts recommend considering Java 17 first because it is a Long-Term Support (LTS) release, providing extended security updates. Hence, it is more stable for developing apps. Another important thing is that Java 17 developers are in demand. It is a core and advanced Java course.

Is the Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification suitable for beginners?

As the course name indicates, it is designed for IT professionals with experience in Object-Oriented Programming to integrate Java and OO to get the best results.

What career prospects are after finishing the Core Java 17 Programming for Object Oriented (OO) Experienced Developer (TT2104) Certification?

You can work as a web developer, game developer, business analysts, Java architect, front-end or back-end developer, and full stack Java developer.

Do you offer corporate training?

Yes, we provide support to corporations of any size. Our corporate training includes various facilities, like the flexibility to choose their comfortable class time and discounts for regular training. Please keep in touch with our experts to learn more.

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I found this course great as an OO programmer with 5 years of experience. It has enhanced my understanding of OO concepts, enabling me to develop more sophisticated design patterns and write clearer code. I have learned backend development with Java.
Shivangi KamathSoftware Engineer
This comprehensive program is a fantastic gateway into the world of Java. Adopting this language has empowered us to handle larger projects with greater precision. We are deeply grateful to the Vinsys team for their invaluable support.
Neel JakhariaDelivery Manager
Our OO developers are now full-fledged Java developers. This training has allowed them to use modern OO features and work efficiently in a Java environment.
Kaushal K. MishraDesign Engineer

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