Jasmine is an open source testing framework for JavaScript. The Jasmine Karma Certification Training aims to run on any JavaScript-enabled platform, to not intrude on the application nor the IDE, and to have easy-to-read syntax. The Jasmine Karma Certification Course familiarizes you to become a Jasmine expert. The professionals learn to use Jasmine.js for writing specifications, how to use Jasmine Spies for Mocking etc. The extensive Study material is designed to make participants comfortable to understand the Unit testing for Angular JS using Jasmine Karma and also prepare for theJasmine Karma Examination.
Can I use Karma with testing framework X?
Yes. There are plugins for most of the common testing frameworks (such as Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit). If there is no plugin for the testing framework you like, go ahead and write one. It is simple - you can start by looking into the source code of the existing ones.
Can I use Karma to do end to end testing?
Karma has primarily been designed for low level (unit) testing. If it's an AngularJS app, you can use Karma with the karma-ng-scenario plugin. However, we recommend Protractor for high-level testing.
Can I use Karma on Continuous Integration server ?
Of course! Check out the docs for Jenkins, Semaphore, TeamCity or Travis.
Which version of Karma should I use?
The latest stable version from NPM (npm install karma). See versioning for more detailed information about Karma's release channels.
Which version of Node.js does Karma run with?
Karma works on all LTS versions node in active maintenance state (see LTS docs for more info) as well as the latest stable version. That is 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 8.x at this point. Karma is released under the MIT license. Site by Friedel Ziegelmayer. Logo by Isaac Durazo.