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EC-Council: Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE .NET) Certification Training

EC-Council CASE .NET Training

<p>Level up your application security with the 3-day EC-Council-authorized CASE program. Our accredited trainers help you master all the skills for addressing common app security vulnerabilities and earn the industry-compliant Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE .NET) credential.</p>

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EC-Council CASE .NET Training
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EC-Council CASE .NET Course Overview

Vinsys official CASE .NET certification course enables you to implement secure methodologies and practices in a modern-day insecure operating environment.
Cybersecurity training provides the essential security knowledge and skills needed throughout a software development life cycle (SDLC). It focuses on security activities involved in all phases of the secure SDLC, from planning, creating and testing, to deploying applications.
As a NICE-Framework-mapped course, CASE .NET covers multiple techniques comprising input validation, defensive coding practices, authentication/authorization, cryptographic attacks, error handling, and session management.
Our EC-Council training also prepares you for the Certified Application Security Engineer 312-95 exam, necessary for earning the coveted CASE .NET accreditation.


Course Objectives

  • Understanding a secure SDLC.
  • Learning the OWASP Top 10, threat modeling, SAST, and DAST.
  • Capturing the security requirements of an application in development.
  • Defining, maintaining, and enforcing application security best practices.
  • Performing manual/automated code reviews of applications.
  • Conducting application security testing for web applications to assess vulnerabilities.
  • Developing a holistic application security program.
  • Rating the severity of defects.
  • Publishing comprehensive reports detailing associated risks and mitigations.
  • Working in teams to improve the security posture.
  • Exploring application security scanning technologies like AppScan, Fortify, WebInspect, Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Single Sign-on, and Encryption. 
  • Adopting secure coding standards based on industry-accepted best practices (OWASP Guide or CERT Secure Coding) for addressing common coding vulnerabilities. 
  • Creating a software source code review process as a part of development cycles (SDLC, Agile, CI/CD).


  • .NET Developers with at least 2 years of experience.
  • Individuals willing to become Application Security Engineers, Analysts, and Testers.
  • The ones involved in developing, testing, managing, or protecting a wide area of applications.
  • Those who wish to complete EC-Council's Application Security Engineer (CASE .NET) certification.

Case.Net Prerequisite

  • Basic knowledge of the .NET framework, application development, and SDLC.

Course Outline

Application Security, Threats & Attacks

  • Understanding the needs and benefits of application security.
  • Understanding common application-level attacks. 
  • Describing the causes of application-level vulnerabilities.
  • Explaining the components of comprehensive application security.
  • Describing the needs and advantages of integrating security in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Differentiating functional vs. security activities in SDLC.
  • Explaining the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.
  • Understanding the software security reference standards, models, and frameworks.

Security Requirements Gathering

  • Understanding the importance of gathering security requirements. 
  • Describing Security Requirement Engineering (SRE) and its phases. 
  • Understanding Abuse Cases and Abuse Case Modeling. 
  • Understanding Security Use Cases and Security Use Case Modeling. 
  • Understanding Abuser and Security stories. 
  • Describing the Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) model.
  • Explaining Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) model.

Secure Application Design & Architecture

  • Understanding the importance of secure application design. 
  • Describing secure design principles. 
  • Understanding threat modeling. 
  • Explaining the threat modeling process. 
  • Describing STRIDE and DREAD models. 
  • Understanding the Secure Application Architecture Design.

Secure Coding Practices for Input Validation

  • Understanding the relevance of robust input validation. 
  • Learning secure input validation techniques in Web Forms, ASP.NET Core, and MVC. 
  • Understanding defensive coding techniques against SQL Injection, XSS, Parameter Tampering, and Directory Traversal attacks.  
  • Understanding defensive coding techniques against Open Redirect vulnerabilities.

Secure Coding Practices for Authentication & Authorization

  • Understanding authentication and authorization issues. 
  • Describing authentication/authorization in Web Forms, ASP.NET Core and MVC. 
  • Understanding authentication/authorization techniques in Web Forms, ASP.NET Core and MVC.

Secure Coding Practices for Cryptography

  • Understanding cryptography in .NET.
  • Describing symmetric encryption. 
  • Understanding defensive coding practices using symmetric encryption. 
  • Explaining asymmetric encryption. 
  • Understanding defensive coding practices using asymmetric encryption. 
  • Describing Hashing, Digital Signatures, and Digital Certificates. 
  • Understanding ASP.NET Core-specific secure cryptography practices.

Secure Coding Practices for Session Management

  • Understanding session management concepts. 
  • Describing session management techniques. 
  • Understanding defensive coding practices against hijacking, session replay, and session fixation attacks.
  • Understanding the techniques for preventing sessions from cross-site scripting, client-side scripts, and CSRF attacks. 
  • Learning the techniques for preventing session attacks on ViewState. 
  • Understanding ASP.NET Core-specific secure session management techniques.

Secure Coding Practices for Error Handling

  • Understanding error and exception handling concepts. 
  • Describing the need for secure exception handling. 
  • Learning defensive coding practices against information disclosure and improper error handling. 
  • Understanding secure error handling practices in ASP.NET Core. 
  • Explaining secure auditing and logging best practices.

Static & Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST)

  • Describing Static Application Security Testing (SAST) concepts.
  • Understanding manual secure code review techniques for common vulnerabilities. 
  • Explaining the Dynamic Application Security Testing. 
  • Acquiring the knowledge of automated application vulnerability scanning and proxy-based security testing tools for performing DAST.

Secure Deployment & Maintenance

  • Understanding the importance of secure deployment. 
  • Describing security practices at host, network, application, IIS, .NET, and SQL Server levels. 
  • Acquiring knowledge of security maintenance and monitoring activities.

Choose Your Preferred Mode



  • 2 days Instructor-led Online Training
  • Experienced Subject Matter Experts
  • Approved and Quality Ensured training Material
  • 24*7 leaner assistance and support


  • Blended Learning Delivery Model (Self-Paced E-Learning And/Or Instructor-Led Options)
  • Course, Category, And All-Access Pricing
  • Enterprise-Class Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Enhanced Reporting For Individuals And Teams
  • 24x7 Teaching Assistance And Support 


What’s the Importance of App-security in a Modern Digitized World?

Applications and software are the keys to success for most organizations across sectors. Less than properly-secured or vulnerable apps and unsafe coding/deployment practices pose severe threats to businesses. Nearly 75% of all cyberattacks target web applications.

In spite of these alarming facts, many enterprises allow security considerations to take a backseat, resulting in frequent data breaches and information theft. 

Is .NET a Secure or Vulnerable Framework?

.NET is the preferred choice for application developers because of its open-source nature, interoperability, language independence, library of codes, and convenience of deployment. However, there is a substantial gap between the patching software and its security. 
Most developers are not fully equipped to ensure their code is secure while being correct simultaneously, which often translates into damaging gaps in application development and deployment processes.

Who Developed the CASE .NET Training & Accreditation?

EC-Council's partnership with prominent application/software development experts. 

What are the Primary Goals of the CASE .NET Learning & Certification Program?

Ensuring app-security is no longer considered an afterthought, and laying the foundations for application developers or development organizations to produce secure, stable, and less-risky applications. 

The purpose also comprises enabling organizations to mitigate risks of losing millions due to security compromises, and encouraging individuals to give importance to security sacrosanct of their job roles in the SDLC. 

What Separates CASE .NET from other App Security Training?

Unlike other similar offerings, the CASE .NET training does not restrict itself to the guidelines on secure coding practices. Instead, it moves ahead for covering secure requirement-gathering, robust application-designing, and the correct handling of security issues in the post-development phases of application development.

Why is it Crucial to Address Security in Each Phase of the SDLC?

Managing security in every phase of the SDLC is the most efficient way of creating highly secure applications. Security-focused solid design principles, rigorous coding, testing, and deployment practices enable applications to stand up to malicious attacks and reduce end-user/application-vendor ownership costs. 

 What are the Major Advantages of Joining Vinsys' EC-Council CASE .NET Program?

You and your employees add to their application security knowledge, gain multi-faceted skills, develop a holistic outlook incorporating pre/post-deployment techniques, successfully build secure applications, and establish strong credibility as App-security experts. 

Is CASE .NET Course More about the Theoretical Aspects or Practical Learnings?

It is hands-on training with access to iLabs (EC-Council’s cloud-driven lab environment).

Is it Compulsory to Attend the EC-Council-authorized Training Before CASE .NET Exam?

No. However, in such a scenario, to take the CASE .NET exam, you must validate yourself as an ECSP (.NET) member in good standing or bring a minimum 2 years' worth of experience working in the InfoSec/Software domain or hold other industry-equivalent certifications such as the GSSP .NET. 

Why Prefer Vinsys for the CASE .NET Certification Course?

Besides being a globally-respected Individual/Corporate IT training provider, Vinsys is also admired as the top EC-Council Accredited Training Partner (ATP). Its unmatchable offerings, accredited instructors, customizable skilling programs and round-the-clock learner support ensure the most detailed upskilling experiences, a must for capitalizing on valuable .NET application security opportunities.

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